baseball n. a game evolved from rounders, with teams of 9 players who in turn seek to strike the ball thrown by an opponent (the pitcher) and traverse a circuit of four points (bases). Long regarded as the American national game, it was played in simple form in both England and America (under the name 'base ball') from the mid-18th century, and is mentioned in Jane Austin's novel Northanger Abbey. The basic modern rules date from c. 1845.

Welcome to the home of The StoryTyme Baseball Association, a field of dreams created to entertain and enlighten those who love the sport of baseball, and who pine for the days gone by. Here you will find no unions; no million-dollar players; no greedy owners whose only interest is the bottom line; and the only strikes are those called on the playing field. So visit this site often to escape to a simpler time, when the game was played for pure pleasure, and winning and losing was confined to the fields of dreams.

The StoryTyme Baseball Association is played using 3DO's Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001, and is structured the same as its real-life counterpart. Teams have been drafted using a roster set provided 3DO . I am the owner and manager of the Atlanta Braves.

The initial season of The StoryTyme Baseball Association is underway. Updates to this site will be made following each "season" week with divisional standings, batting and pitching leaders being posted. Please enjoy this site, and visit often for updates. Feel free to send comments or criticisms as you see fit. But for now...PLAY BALL!

Patrick Lee Story

Patrick Lee Story

StoryTyme Baseball Association Commissioner & Owner/Manager of the Atlanta Braves


American League Batting Leaders

American League Pitching Leaders

National League Batting Leaders

National League Pitching Leaders